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We Eat, We Heat, We Travel, We Waste - Brink!

Environment & Nature
We Eat, We Heat, We Travel, We Waste - Brink!
Event Description

A discussion panel and collaborative workshop to crowdsource ideas about how our city should innovate to meet the challenges of Climate Change

This event features a climate inspiration discussions with a panel of academics from public health, people and politics, biodiversity & food, planning & architecture from Queen's University, Belfast discussing the themes of 'We Eat, We Heat, We Travel, We Waste’ from their perspective.

Panel includes:

  • Dr Nuala Flood, Senior Lecturer, School of the Natural and Built Environment, QUB
  • Prof. John Barry, Professor of Green Political Economy; Co-Director of the Centre for Sustainability, Equality and Climate Action; Co-Chair of the Belfast Climate Commission
  • Prof. Mark Emmerson, Professor of Biodiversity, School of Biological Sciences, QUB
  • Prof. Ruth Hunter, Professor of Public Health and Planetary Health, Centre for Public Health, QUB

The format will be:

* 11.00-11.45am: Climate Inspiration Discussions: Panel with QUB academics from public health, people and politics, biodiversity & food, planning & architecture discussing the themes of 'We Eat, We Heat, We Travel, We Waste’ from their perspective.

* 11.45-12.45pm: Group Workshop of citizen voices - 4 x 15 minute sessions to workshop 'We Eat, We Heat, We Travel, We Waste’ to crowdsource ideas and concerns about the same themes.

* 12.45-1.00pm: Round-up and thank you

About Brink

BRINK is a collective of creative thinkers, innovators and action takers building a platform for discussion, education and action centred on the issues of climate breakdown. They are driven by creative voices focused on innovative use of art, technology and citizen science to break through the status quo and consider new ways of living more – connected, healthy, sustainable, and resilient lives – in a rapidly changing environment.

About Queens Research and Enterprise Directorate
The role of the Research and Enterprise Directorate is to help secure the University’s vision for excellence and impact in its research and enterprise activities. We facilitate high-quality academic research through developing research strategy and policy, supporting researchers to access funding and form new collaborations, and managing governance procedures, research information systems and the contracting process. We also work with University colleagues, students, industry and the community to provide support from the conception of an idea or technology through to a range of knowledge exchange and commercialisation outcomes. Working together, we aim to provide holistic support to researchers and a ‘one stop shop’ for external partners.

About Belfast Climate Commission

Co-chaired by Belfast City Council and Queen’s University, Belfast Climate Commission is one of three city-based climate commissions across the UK (Belfast, Edinburgh and Leeds), funded by the Economic and Social Research Council for the Place-Based Climate Action Network (PCAN). Working alongside existing city structures and programmes, the Commission has been established to translate climate policy into action ‘on the ground’ to bring about transformative change.

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